Vincenty (Direct Form)

Compute the coordinates of the end-point of a displacement on a geodesic. The parameters lat and lon are the coordinates of the starting point, The parameter range is the covered distance of the displacements along a specified geodesic and azi is the direction of the displacement relative to the North.


[lato, lono] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi)
[lato, lono, azo] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi)
[lato, lono] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi, dim)
[lato, lono, azo] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi, dim)
[lato, lono] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi}, dim, ellipsoid)
[lato, lono, azo] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi, dim, ellipsoid)


The units of all input and output parameters must be ‘radians’ and/or ‘kilometers’. dim defines the range dimension to use. ellipsoid defines the reference ellipsoid to use.

The possible values for dim are ‘angle’ (default) or ‘length’.

Sample values for ellipsoid are the following:

  • WGS_84 (default) - referenceEllipsoid(7030)
  • GRS_80 - referenceEllipsoid(7019)
  • Airy - referenceEllipsoid(7001)
  • Intl - referenceEllipsoid(7022)
  • Clarke - referenceEllipsoid(7012)
  • GRS - referenceEllipsoid(7003)

The sample values are the following:

Model Major (km) Minor (km) 1 / f
WGS 1984 6378.137 6356.7523142 298.257223563
GRS 1980 6378.137 6356.7523141 298.257222101
G.B. Airy 1830 6377.563396 6356.256909 299.3249646
Internacional 1924 6378.388 6356.911946 297.0
Clarke 1880 6378.249145 6356.51486955 293.465
Australian Nat. 6378.1600 6356.774719 298.25



>> [lat, lon] = vincentyDirect(0, 0, pi, pi / 2)
lat = 0
lon = 3.1311
>> [lat, lon, az] = vincentyDirect(0, 0, pi, pi / 2)
lat = 0
lon = 3.1311
az = 1.5708